Mawlana Rumi and Mathnawi (Mesnevi)

Life Of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi

Mawlana Rumi Family was one of the strong links that tied the KKhorasan Region whose crucial centers according to today’s borders were Merv in Turkmenistan, Nishabur in Iran, Herat and Balkh in Afghanistan to Anatolia (Türkiye).
Rumi’s Family
The father of Mawlana Rumi, the son of Huseyin Sultanu’l-ulema Bahaddin Muhammad, was from a famous family in the city of Balkh which was well-known by its intellectuals and wise men and he had a big reputation
Rumi’s Birth, His Name And His Nicknames
Mawlana Rumi was born in Balkh in 30th of September 1207 (6 Rabiulawwal 604). Mawlana Rumi’s name was Muhammad. According to all records his father had the very same name.
Family’s Departure From Balkh
Mawlana Rumi’s father Bahaaddin Walad decided to leave Balkh when Mawlana Rumi was in his childhood years. The political stability was damaged in these years.
Permenant Stay İn Konya (Türkiye)
Great Mawlana Rumi Bahaaddin Walad arriyed in Konya which was the capital city of the Seljuk State after the insistent invitations of Sultan Alaaddin according to the rumors besides Ibtidaname. Father of the family passed away in 23 February 1231 (18 Rabiulakhir 628) in Konya.
Mawlana Rumi’s Education
It was understood from the information in the sources and from the clear evidences in his own works that Mawlana Rumi had a serious education on sufistic training. At the age of 24 when his father passed away, Mawlana Rumi who had had enough scientific features to move to his father’s place carried on his education instead.
Arrival Of Shams From Tebriz To Konya And His Disapperance
Shams from Tebriz had a special place in Mawlana Rumi’s life. Many things were being told and written on their meeting and their love to each other. Shamsaddin Muhammad-i Tebrizi first came to Konya on the 29th of November 1244 (26 Janaaziyalakhir 642).

Mawlana Rumi’s Works
Diwan-ı Kebir
It means Great Diwan. This great work of Mawlana Rumi which contains his ghazal, terkib-i bend and rubai (quatrain) came into
Mathnawi (Mesnevi)
The fundamental and one of the most important elements that composed Islamic culture and civilization which mixed by different nations with same values for centuries is certainly Sufism. Sufism which means commending and practicing of Islam has been told in many valuable works by experts of science, idea, heart and art throughout years.
Fihi Ma Fih
This work which means “There is in it what is in it” was written in Persian prose. It is a form of organized chats of Mawlana Rumi by his friends and relatives most probably by Sultan Walad. (Likewise according to custom, the work Maarif by Sultanu’l-Ulema and BahaeddinWalad and the work Makalat by Muhakkik-i Tirmizi and Shams-i Tebrizi were written after the chats at their gatherings.) The name Fihi ma firr was not used in the old copies, as a title “Esraru’l-Celaliyye” was used.
This work was formed by gathering the letters written by Mawlana Rumi to his relatives, friends, some scientists, especially to government people and to important people. These letters in many of which someone was being advice or a solution to someone’s trouble was being searched were written in various reasons. This work was important at the period of Mawlana Rumi’s.

Majalis-i Sab’a
It is a prose work consisting of seven sermons of Mawlana Rumi in Persian. These sermons were most probably written by Sultan Walad or Chalabi Husameddin however they were not left as the way they had been told, by keeping the original format they were all checked and some additions were done.Poems By Rumi

Be Lost İn The Call
Has anyone ever produced a mirror out of mud and straw? Yet clean away the mud and straw, and a mirror might be revealed.

İ Am Wind, You Are Fire
O you who’ve gone on pilgrimage – where are you, where, oh where?

Look! This İs Love
Oh, if a tree could wander and move with foot and wings!

Come, Come, Whoever You Are.
Come, come, whoever you are. Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter.

We Are As The Flute
We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee; we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee. We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat: our victory and defeat is from thee, O thou whose qualities are comely!

Leave Me Ruined
On the DeathbedGo, rest your head on a pillow, leave me alone; leave me ruined, exhausted from the journey of this night, writhing in a wave of passion till the dawn.

This Marriage
May these vows and this marriage be blessed. May it be sweet milk, this marriage, like wine and halvah
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This World Which İs Made Of Our Love For Emptiness
Praise to the emptiness that blanks out existence. Existence: This place made from our love for that emptiness!

The Earth Of Water
The drum of the realization of the promise is beating, we are sweeping the road to the sky.

Who Wants To Come With Us?
At every instant and from every side, resounds the call of Love: We are going to sky, who wants to come with us? We have gone to heaven, we have been the friends of the angels, And now we will go back there, for there is our country.

What İs The Secret?
Our death is our wedding with eternity. What is the secret? “God is One.” The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house. This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;

Anything That Comes And Goes
I’ve said before that every craftsman searches for what’s not there to practice his craft.

We Are Three
These spiritual window-shoppers, who idly ask, ‘How much is that?’ Oh, I’m just looking. They handle a hundred items and put them down, shadows with no capital.

My Death
I died from minerality and became vegetable; And From vegetativeness I died and became animal. I died from animality and became man.

A Star Without A Name
When a baby is taken from the wet nurse, it easily forgets her and starts eating solid food.

Jesus Was Lost İn His Love For God
God has given us a dark wine so potent that, drinking it, we leave the two worlds. God has put into the form of hashish a power to deliver the taster from self-consciousness.

Gone To The Unseen
At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen. What marvelous route did you take from this world?

How Did You Get Away?
You were the pet falcon of an old woman. Did you hear the falcon-drum? You were a drunken songbird put in with owls.

The Son Of God
Poor copies out of heaven’s originals, Pale earthly pictures mouldering to decay, What care although your beauties break and fall, When that which gave them life endures for aye?

Find Me Now Who May!
He comes, a moon whose like the sky ne’er saw, awake or dreaming. Crowned with eternal flame no flood can lay. Lo, from the flagon of thy love, O Lord, my soul is swimming, And ruined all my body’s house of clay!

Up, O ye lovers, and away! ‘Tis time to leave the world for aye. Hark, loud and clear from heaven the from of parting calls-let none delay! The cameleer hat risen amain, made ready all the camel-train,

Remembered Musıc
‘Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears Derive their melody from rolling spheres;

The Spırıt Of The Saınts
There is a Water that flows down from Heaven To cleanse the world of sin by grace Divine. At last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone.

The True Sufı
What makes the Sufi? Purity of heart; Not the patched mantle and the lust perverse

The Progress Of Man
First he appeared in the realm inanimate; Thence came into the world of plants and lived The plant-life many a year, nor called to mind

Realıty And Appearance
‘Tis light makes colour visible: at night Red, greene, and russet vanish from thy sight.

I made a far journey Earth’s fair cities to view, but like to love’s city City none I knew

Part Of Load
I am part of the load Not rightly balanced I drop off in the grass, like the old Cave-sleepers, to browse wherever I fall.

Mysticism (sufism) Of Rumi

As we said above, the mysticism of Rumi is not a notion of mysticism that was deviated and separated from or added to Islam. Living the divine love that is the essence of Islam, Rumi invited the people to live this Love.

Rumi was born in Khorasan in early 13th century as the sun of an elite scholar. He immigrated to Anatolia at a young age. After the death of his father, he, at his forties, began to give lectures in medrese (religious school) in order not to know the divine love but to find and experience it. Perhaps as a response to his intimate and doleful prays in this direction, Shams of Tebrizi, who was to arouse the love for the Prophet in the heart of Rumi as the manifestation of the divine light, came to Konya. Rumi quite naturally felt a very powerful love and gratitude toward Shams who not only showed the way of happiness to him but also turned on that light in his heart., Rumi’s enthusiasm and friendship with Shams annoyed and disturbed certain group of interest as well as some ulema (doctors of Muslim theology) and prominent mystics who regarded themselves being at a supreme level, though they remained outside. In the end, Shams joined the convoy of martyrs. Rumi’s suffering in the face of this cruelty and ingratitude was boundless. Any one else would have totally withdrawn from the society, but Rumi could not be offended by the humanity. To give hope and love to the humanity was his assignment. For this reason he began to recount Mathnawi.

Human forms that can kill people like Shams exist at all times. These Cain types were not expected to slaughter human beings and the loved ones and to respect the Book. Were not there those who injected their own inventions into the divine books before Qur’an? It should be admitted that some inventions were also injected into the Mathnawi. However, since Qur’an has never been altered and Rumi said clearly that he didn’t say and would not say anything in contradiction with Qur’an, we can distinguish the inventions (false words) injected into the Mathnawi by benchmarking it with Qur’an.

We must especially be careful when reading the lyric poems (gazel) in the Diwan, not in the Mathnawi, which are attributed to Rumi. In the verse of Rumi, “Imruz menem Ahmed, ney Ahmed-i parine!” (Today’s Ahmed of me is not the yesterday’s Ahmed!), the Ahmed referred there cannot be the Prophet. Rumi, who said in the Mathnawi that “Men hak-i reh-i Muhammad-i Muhtarem” (I am a piece of soil on the road of Muhammad) and that the name of the Prophet was known before He was born and the Christians prayed to God in the name of this Ahmed (Paraclit), was obviously referring to a mystic named Ahmed who lived before him.

In the beginning of the Mathnawi, he describes his “pre-Shams” era when he suffered a lot as he was not capable of living a full-fledged love for the Prophet as follows:

Our sorrow failed to manifest that our days were passing.

Our days too passed in wrongs.

After attaining the love for the Prophet and, through this, the divine love with the help of Shams, as he now found the Supreme Lover and got in touch in love with the Creator, he attained the ultimate happiness:

So what if our days have passed, we do not afraid.

You, the unique in purity, just stay!

Who is this “pure”? It is not the Creator. The one to whom the Creator has granted the supreme rank among the “innocent” people is the Prophet Muhammad.

As Rumi considers the Messenger, the Holy imams, and the previous prophets as “pure,” he considers the love of these pure figures as necessary to establish a loving relationship with Allah. However, if these leaders of love are regarded as “ordinary human beings capable of sinning,” it is not possible to establish this love connection. For this reason, Rumi says “Hal-i pakan ra kiyas ez hod me-gir” (Do not attempt to apprehend tne state of the pure in comparison with your essence).

As long as human beings are the captives of their egos that they could not train by means of love of “pures”, and as long as they are slaves of gold and silver (Euro and Dollars in modern terms), they could not access to the Divine Love path.

Some of them are like “bird without wing” who are unaware of the essential meaning of the creation. Rumi wants to explicitly state that the purpose of creation is Love, however though human was created to have a vision open for Divine Love, since freedom of will is given and since his heart screen is blackened due to his abused selection and since he is contaminated by “virus”, first of all he should get rid of dust, dirt and rust present in his heart screen and should obtain the love of Supreme Lover. If he obtains such a love and if he is not outside of the heart of the Prophet and he is deemed to have started to advance in Divine Love.

Rumi states that it is the essence of Islam by expressing that ask-est tarik-u rah-I peygamber-i ma! (The path of our Prophet is Love)

All of these savings of ours is “Knowledge” about the Love Patn. However, unless you enter this path, memorizing the knowledge in travel guide has no meaning on its own. Rumi says that “ask amedeni buved, ne amuhteni”! (Love is not learnt, but it just comes in)

Despite the incredible violence imposed on Huseyin, the son of Huseyin and other Holy imams continued to call people to have real happiness. The barbarity and cruelty directed at Semsh could not prevent Rumi from calling people to the Love Path. The death of Love Master is not like the death of any ordinary person. Rumi saw his own death as a §eb-i Aruz (The Night of Reunion). He had his Night of Reunion in 1273, 733 years ago. We love him and we say that “we are glad that you are present” .

Extract Islamic Doctrine of Rumi versus racism, power and fortune ambitions and doctrines of hatred and hate invites us to know the real meaning of Kuran’i Kerim (Qur’an)

Since humanity has aspiration for Divine Love which is the base of Equality and Justice Principle and which is also the source of Live and Environment Love, Thought of Rumi means common principles and targets of humanity. However, no correct thought could be exempted from being misunderstood and abused throughout Humanity History. If any opinion which is contrary to universal facts is referred to Rumi, let us know that such an opinion can not belong to Rumi.

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